For Ambitious Leaders

The Leaders Circle gives you incredible people in your corner

Ever wondered what it would be like to be in a coaching space where you can throw a juicy challenge on the table and talented minds get to work helping you sort it, pronto?

It might sound aspirational, but it’s exactly what I’m offering with The Leaders Circle. 

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This opportunity is for a small group of senior leaders  

Ambitious leaders, who share my values for high-quality design & responsibly designed, future-fit businesses.

Leaders who are fed up with accepting a career and business that runs them.

Instead, they want to actively leverage their time and talent more effectively and effortlessly to improve the quality of projects delivered and to create a thriving long-term career.

Not at the expense of themselves or their teams. 

Not at the expense of a worthy built environment legacy.

This isn’t a talkfest. It's a highly facilitated coaching space for game-changing personal and business breakthroughs to be discovered and nurtured.

Want in . . ? 

Join an incredible group of experienced leaders wanting next-level leadership confidence.

I create the ideal space for breakthroughs to happen.

You bring the energy and ambition.

Success will require a commitment to support each other's growth. I will stop at nothing to help you achieve the specific goals you set coming into this Leaders Circle. This is the Personal Game Plan that we create that is unique to you. For some, this will include a Strategic Business Plan for others it will be a path for more effective leadership or smart growth.   

We meet monthly for up to 2 hours online for 12 months. 

Plus, you'll gain 2 bonus 1-to-1's with me or leadership development for your team for you to use throughout the year to ensure you remain on track to implement your Personal Game Plan.

Spaces are limited so we can optimise our time together. Giving all leaders plenty of airtime and a healthy variety of fresh new perspectives. A WhatsApp group will be set up to keep support going between sessions.  

Yes! Go to apply form here >>

Meet Tania . . . 

Tania is an architect, entrepreneur, and author with more than twenty-three years· experience leading, observing, and innovating within multi-disciplinary teams, including almost thirteen years with Grimshaw, London. She has led small-scale residential projects through to large-scale national infrastructure projects. Tania is a leader with significant experience navigating through complex project terrains and successfully out the other side. Her passion for effective leadership and her keen eye for what does and doesn't work has been honed through her roles as a designer, a chief motivator, inspirer, negotiator. facilitator. and as a conduit between design teams, stakeholders, and the client.

She is on a mission to support formidable leaders to innovate faster and improve the legacy of the built environment. Her primary motivation is that high-­quality projects and businesses are achieved without compromise, and leaders along with their teams don't risk burnout in the process. 

What I care about most . . . 

Conspiring with great leaders to support their bold ambitions.

Bringing out the best in people, one leader at a time.

Incentivising courageous leaders to rise up from all corners. 

Navigating through complex strategic and design challenges.


My experience with Group Coaching . . .

Superb leadership & facilitation is key

Ambitious leaders should expect a space for inspiration and breakthroughs.

It's my role to create and nurture this space, and I don't take this responsibility lightly. I've experienced firsthand when it works well and when it's frankly been left to the mood of the day. This isn't valuable or productive. So, I give my full commitment to establishing the most ideal setting for you to gain your breakthroughs.  

What you'll get . . . 

A fireside community of incredibly talented and ambitious built environment leaders in your corner to propel you further, faster.

Critical friend coaching (2 hours per month) to test your bold ideas and gain new insights for your career alongside the accountability to implement what you say you will do.

Next-level personal and professional growth to take your career and your business to new heights. 

Why this is for you . . . 

You are highly regarded for your technical, design or leadership excellence but you are frustrated by not having sufficient headspace to design your career or business - with the same care that you deliver projects - so that it works for you. You know you are capable of more and you want to achieve it with greater ease and enjoyment.

You respect talent when you see it, but you focus on developing everyone around you at the expense of progressing yourself and your business.

You want to leverage your time and expertise more effortlessly so you can build a thriving career and business without working yourself into the ground.


A space to be coached and inspired. 


A moment to reflect & gain new insights. 


A community of ambitious leaders who back you. 


An opportunity for brand-new breakthroughs. 


Accountability to do what you say you'll do. 


A place to be nurtured and be you. 


YES I want in! Go to APPLY form >>

My value proposition 

Leaders Circle Personal Game Plan £1,000 value 

Monthly meet-ups with ambitious leaders  £3,000 value 

Expand network connections priceless value 

PLUS Bonus: 

2 x 1:1 coaching with Tania or, Leadership Development for your team £1,000 value 

Total value: £5,000 +

But it's yours for £180 / month

Total investment £2,160 


"I love, love, love your energy. It's infectious and you can't help but feel motivated and supported from the moment you enter the conversation." Karen Fugle
"She knows how to get to the point of what we are discussing. Tania is very very good at working with you to understand your unmet needs and give you achievable goals to work on between meetings. I love her honesty and sense of humour." Richard MacCowan
"I am incredibly grateful for Tania's remarkable ability to transform the chaos in my mind into a well-organized and thoughtful plan. Her skilful guidance has been instrumental in providing me with a clear roadmap, allowing me to take meaningful actions and move forward with purpose. Her expertise and support have been invaluable. " Sahar Azari
"This is just magical! It feels really comfy to talk in this group." Miriam Dal'lgna
"You are a naturally inspiring, positive, no-barrier person, which really comes across in conversation." Chris Drummond
Yes I'm ready! GO to APPLY form >>

Risk-Free Investment 

I stand behind my value proposition and my ability to serve you at the highest level. If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied with the service offered inside The Leaders Circle, you can request your money back, no questions asked.  

It's as simple and as risk-free as that.



Okay let's do this!

Want a deeper dive into the strategies?

If you're curious about the strategies, tools and tactics behind being a truly effective courageous leader you can also get a copy of my new book BUILD SUCCESS. It's a leadership framework to set projects up for success without compromise.  I share personal experiences from my 23+ year leadership journey as well as insights from other relevant experts in and outside of the industry.

Get your copy HERE >>

To your success!

You're one courageous decision away.



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